Lonsdor Toyota AKL Online Calculation 1 Year Activation for K518ISE K518S & KH100+.
Support latest Toyota & Lexus smart key all keys lost and add key.
Newly add functions for AKL of Toyota/Lexus by OBD data back-up for K518ISE / K518S only
This is Launch renewal card 2 years update service for Launch V/ V+/ X431 Pro Mini/ ProS Mini/ DIAGUN IV/ 5C/ PRO DYNO/ PRO5
You can buy it to extend 2 years subscription.
When you use VVDI MB TOOL to calculate password for Mercedes, you will need tokens.
For customer with Condor machine, factory provide one free token everyday. While for customer don't have Condor will need to pay for the token service.
You can buy this token and add to your VVDI MB Tool, so you can calculate the password at any time.
Lonsdor K518ISE First Time One Year Update Subscription (For Some Important Update Only).
Please buy this service when you pay the subscription for Lonsdor K518ISE the first time.
Stay current with the latest Autel software versions and increase the value of your investment with the Autel Total Care Program (TCP). When you subscribe to an Autel TCP, you'll get to take advantage of new features and functions as they roll out from Autel, including expanded coverage for the latest vehicle makes and models.
Original Autel MaxiIM IM608/ IM608Pro/ Auro OtoSys IM600 One Year Update Service (Subscription Only)
Autel Maxisys Ultra includes one year of free software updates. After the initial year expires, you may purchase an additional year of Total Care Program (TCP). This subscription can be purchased at any time and it will add 12 more months of updates to your current time.
Original Autel MaxiIM IM508/ IM508S/ Auro OtoSys IM100 One Year Update Service (Subscription Only)
Autel Maxisys Elite One Year Update Service (Total Care Program Autel)
When you use VVDI MB TOOL to calculate password for BENZ vehicle, you need use tokens. For customer with Condor machine, factory provide one day one time service for free, for customer do not have Condor machine, must buy this token. You can add this token into your machine, so you can calculate at any time.
Works for both VVDI MB BGA and Key Tool Plus Pad
OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus C Version Full Package One Year Update Service
Lonsdor K518S First Time One Year Update Subscription
When you use VVDI MB TOOL to calculate password for Mercedes, you will need tokens.
For customer with Condor machine, factory provide one free token everyday. While for customer don't have Condor will need to pay for the token service.
You can buy this token and add to your VVDI MB Tool, so you can calculate the password at any time.
Autel Maxisys MS909 includes one year of free software updates. After the initial year expires, you may purchase an additional year of Total Care Program (TCP). This subscription can be purchased at any time and it will add 12 more months of updates to your current time.
Stay current with the latest Autel software versions and increase the value of your investment with the Autel Total Care Program (TCP). When you subscribe to an Autel TCP, you'll get to take advantage of new features and functions as they roll out from Autel, including expanded coverage for the latest vehicle makes and models.
One Year Update Service for Autel MaxiCOM MK808 (Subscription Only)
AUTEL MaxiSys MS906BT One Year Update Service (Subscription Only)
Will Allow Reading & Deletion of fault codes, Basic settings and Adjustment of components on models 2017 onwards Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Fiat, Alfa Romeo
Works on Autel MaxiSYS, Ultra Lite, Ultra, IM508, IM508S, IM608, IM608 Pro, IM608 Pro II, Otofix EvoScan Utra , Otofix IM1, Otofix IM2 etc
Only Available for European FCA vehicles
AUTEL Maxicom MK906BT One Year Update Service (Subscription Only)
Autel One Year Update Service for Autel MaxiDas DS808/ DS808S (Subscription Only)