Xhorse VVDI2 Update Log
Here is Xhorse
VVDI2 Commander Programmer Update Log.
VVDI2 Full Update Information:
VVDI2 Update to V6.0.0
*** 2018-10-26
*** Require firmware V6.0.0
===== VAG V6.0.0 =====
1. Immoprovement for autodetect VAG immobilizer system
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V6.0.0 =====
1. FEM/BDC system add support new verison: BDC 00002419_080_010_010
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V6.0.0 =====
1. Special Transponder - Support generate Toyota H transponder(128bit):
a. Toyota H transponder - Camry, Levin
b. Toyota H transponder - Corolla (First in the world!!!)
2. Support autodetect and read TIRIS DST AES(8A) transponder
3. Points System: Bugfix for verify remote bonus points function
4. Immobilizer data tool: TONGZHI immobilizer box support new type
5. Bugfix for copy chip 11 and 12.
6. Bugfix
===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V6.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.8.0
*** 2018-09-04
*** Require firmware V5.8.0
************************************************** **********************
===== VAG V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix for read PIN/CS from old touareg ECU, manually select type is: MED9.1 single
2. Bugfix for read PIN/CS from old Bentley ECU, manually select type is ME7 slaver
3. Immoprovement for autodetect VAG immobilizer system
4. Flash VAG firmware(frf, odx, sgo): support flash VAG firmware bigger than 300M, support flash virtual cockpit cluster
5. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.8.0 =====
1. FEM/BDC system add reset ECU lock(Usually used after exchange FEM/BDC)
2. Improvement for FEM/BDC key learning
3. Support read E-Series ECU synchronize code via OBDII: MEV9N46, MEV9N46L, N62_TUE, N62_TUE2, MS450DS0, MSS60, MSV70 etc
4. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.8.0 =====
1. Improvement for Rover/Jaguar(2015-) MC9S12EXT256/MC9S12EXQ384
2. Bugfix for new wireless remote
3. Immobilizer data tool: Bugfix for Euro->Peugeot->C1 24C04
4. Immobilizer data tool: Add support for Aisa->China Immobilizer box: JIAOTONG/LIANCHUANG/DELPHI/TONGZHI
5. Bugfix
===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.6.0
*** 2018-06-20
*** Requires firmware V5.5.0
===== VW V5.6.0 =====
1. Improve the automatic diagnosis of the public security system
2. Refresh the original firmware (frf, odx, sgo): Supports fast, medium, and slow 3 refresh modes
3. Other bug fixes
===== BMW V5.6.0 =====
1. Repair BMW FEM/BDC backup and recovery code, support to version ISTAP64.2
2. Other bug fixes
===== Porsche V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
===== Peugeot Citroen V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
===== Key Programmer V5.6.0 =====
1. Fix remote copy instability
2. Fix the issue of smart card generation
3. Add write startup: Europe -> Land Rover -> New Land Rover/Jaguar (2015-) MC9S12EXT256/MC9S12EXQ384
a. Need to load KVM/RFA DFLASH and EEPROM data
b. Support emergency start function, need to write back BCM DFLASH data
c. After the key is generated, write new data back to the KVM/RFA module. The new key is started directly. The remote control is intelligent and effective. No additional matching is required.
d. support to erase the lost key
4. Other bug fixes
===== 96-bit 48-copy V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
===== J2534 V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
===== Online Upgrade V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
===== Quick Start V5.6.0 =====
1. Other bug fixes
KVM BCM Coverage
VVDI2 Update to V5.5.0
*** 2018-05-15
*** Require firmware V5.5.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V5.5.0 =====
1. Add support for 2012-2014 MQB(Continental/VDO) immobilizer and mileage. Support following cars:
a. VW Golf7 (2012-2014)
b. Skoda Octavia3 (2012-2014)
c. Audi A3 (2012-2014)
d. Seat Leon (2012-2014)
2. Bugfix for old bentely (2006 kline) key learning
3. Bugfix for flash VAG firmware(frf, odx, sgo)
4. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.5.0 =====
1. Add support for ISTAP63/64 FEM/BDC, support following version:
a. FEM 0000155E_016_114_020
b. FEM 0000155E_017_110_030
c. BDC 00002419_062_010_020
d. BDC 00002419_071_010_040
2. Bugfix for CAS4 file make key
3. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.5.0 =====
1. Add support for make proximity remotes – Prepare various proximity remotes with VVDI universal proximity remote(Require database version above 238)
2. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Euro->Fiat->Grand Punto 93C86
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Asia->Hyundai->Tiburon 2008 29F400
4. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Euro->Saab->9-3 1999 68HC05
5. Bugfix
===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.3.0
*** Require firmware V5.2.5
************************************************ ********************
===== VAG V5.3.0 =====
1. Improvement for prepare MQB dealer key
2. Improvement for MQB keyless GO key learning
3. Improvement for BCM2 dump tool
4. Support write immodata for Audi RB8 type
5. Bgufix for customer request in diagnostic unit
6. Bugfix for MED17/EDC17 online decode PIN/CS
7. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.3.0 =====
1. Improvement for FEM/BDC key learn
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.3.0 =====
1. Support porsche 911,997, boxster 987 keylearn: Menu->Key Learn->Transponder Key - 911,987, Boxster 987, Cayman
2. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.3.0 =====
1. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Asia->Suzuki->SX4->2006 93C56
2. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for America->Jeep->Laredo->2008 uPD70F
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Euro->Fiat->Grand Punto->93C86
4. Bugfix
===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V5.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.2.5
*** 2018-02-02
*** Require firmware V5.2.5
************************************************** **********************
===== VAG V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix for prepare dealer in MQB platform
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.2.5 =====
1. Support prepare remote via online
2. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Asia->Hyundai->Getz->2007-(95040,95160)
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Euro->MAN->TGA->25128(25256)
4. Bugfix
===== Copy 48 (96 bits) V5.2.5 =====
1. Release a new licence for copy 48(96 bits). This tool can run only with copy 48(96 bits) license.
===== J2534 V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.2.1
*** 2018-01-23
*** Require firmware V5.2.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for access some MQB(Continental/VDO) instrument
2. Improvement for prepare MQB dealer key: Now we support all original blank key or MQB key made by VVDI
3. Improvement for MQB key learning
4. Improvement for autodetct in IMMO4 system
5. Bugfix for Spanish language
6. Bugfix===== BMW V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix for spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.2.1 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.2.0
*** 2018-01-19
*** Require firmware V5.2.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V5.2.0 =====
1. Improvement MQB NEC35xx immobilizer/KM function, support following cars:
Audi A3/S3 2014+
Audi Q2
VW Golf7
VW Polo(MQB)
VW Tiguan II
VW Touran II
VW crafter 2017+
VW Passat B8 without virtual cockpit
Skoda Octavia III 2014.07+
Skoda Rapid 2015.06+
Skoda Kodiaq
Skoda Superb III
Seat Ibiza/Ateca/Toledo 2015.06+
Attention 1: This type only support cars with cluster Continental/VDO. JCI type and virtual cockpit was not include
Attention 2: Improvement for prepare dealer key: support original blank key and MQB key made by VVDI
Attention 3: MQB Immobilizer function require extra license. Customer who have copy 48 (96 bit) license will get MQB license for free
Attention 4: Improvement for key learn function
Attention 5: Bugfix for access some MQB instrument
2. Improvement for autodetct in IMMO4 system
3. Add spanish language
4. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.2.0 =====
1. Improvement for read ISN from MSx8x ECU, require VVDI2 database file verison V1.0.0
2. Improvement for load MEV17xx EEPROM dump
3. Support change second hand FEM/BDC ISN and make original key working
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.2.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.2.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix for update remote database
2. Bugfix for save points
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Fiat Ducato 93C56
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.2.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.2.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.1.0
*** 2018-01-18
*** Require firmware V5.1.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V5.1.0 =====
1. Improvement MQB NEC35xx immoblizer/KM function, support following cars:
Audi A3/S3 2014+
Audi Q2
VW Golf7
VW Polo(MQB)
VW Tiguan II
VW Touran II
VW crafter 2017+
VW Passat B8 without virtual cockpit
Skoda Octavia III 2014.07+
Skoda Rapid 2015.06+
Skoda Kodiaq
Skoda Superb III
Seat Ibiza/Ateca/Toledo 2015.06+Attention 1: This type only support cars with cluster Continental/VDO. JCI type and virtual cockpit was not includ
Attention 2: MQB Immobilizer function support original blank key and MQB key made by VVDI2
Attention 3: part of original blank key not support write data
Attention 4: MQB Immobilizer function require extra license. Customer who have copy 48 (96 bit) license will get MQB license for free
2. Improvement for autodetct in IMMO4 system
3. Add Spanish language
4. Bugfix
===== BMW V5.1.0 =====
1. Improvement for read ISN from MSx8x ECU, require VVDI2 database file verison V1.0.0
2. Improvement for load MEV17xx EEPROM dump
3. Support change second hand FEM/BDC ISN and make original key working
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.1.0 =====
1. Bugfix for update remote database
2. Bugfix for save points
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Fiat Ducato 93C56
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.1.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V5.0.0
2018-01-06 ***
Require firmware V5.0.0
!!! Update V5.0.0 firmware require use “Upgrade Kit“, you can find it from VVDI2 Quick Start from V5.0.0 software !!!
===== VVDI2 VAG V5.0.0 =====
1. Add support for MQB NEC35xx immoblizer/KM function,
support following cars:
Audi A3/S3 2014+ Audi Q2
VW Golf7
VW Polo(MQB)
VW Tiguan II
VW Touran II
VW crafter 2017+
VW Passat B8 without virtual cockpit
Skoda Octavia III 2014.07+
Skoda Rapid 2015.06+
Skoda Kodiaq
Skoda Superb III
Seat Ibiza/Ateca/Toledo 2015.06+
Attention 1: This type only support cars with cluster Continental/VDO. JCI type and virtual cockpit was not included
2: MQB Immobilizer function require MQB key made by VVDI2.
2 Bugfix
===== BMW V5.0.0 =====
1. Improvement for read ECU ISN
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V5.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V5.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V5.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V5.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V5.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V5.0.0=====
1. Add “Upgrade Kit”
2. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V4.9.0
*** Require firmware V4.8.0
!!!This update no need update firmware
===== BMW V4.9.0 =====
1. FEM/BDC support emergency switch ON: FEM/BDC Key Learn->Emergency switch ON
2. Support read ISN from original key(even key was disabled): FEM/BDC Key Learn->Read ISN from original key
3. FEM/BDC support close/open transport mode: FEM/BDC Key Learn->Exchange FEM/BDC->Close/Open transport mode
4. !!!New Function: ECU/CAS ISN!!! (Menu->Key Learn->ECU/CAS ISN)
Support OBD exchange used or new ECU module, no need open PCB
Support OBD exchange used CAS3+/ISTAP module, no need open PCB
Support exchange used or new ECU module with “ECU dump file”
Support exchange used CAS3+/ISTAP, CAS4(1L15Y, 5M48H) with “CAS dump file”
(1). E-Series
(a). OBD read ECU ISN: MSV80, MSV801, MSD80, MSD81, MSD802, MSD812, MSD851
(b). OBD read/write ECU ISN: ME17N45(N45 Tricore), ME17N46(N46 Tricore)
(c). OBD read/write ECU ISN: MEV17_2(N12 Tricore), MED17_2(N14 Tricore), MV1722(N16 Tricore), MVD1722(N18 Tricore), MEVD174K(N20, Tricore), MEVD176K(N55 Tricore), MVD1727(N18 Mini Tricore), MEVD17KW(Tricore)
(d). OBD Read/write CAS ISN: CAS3+(0L15Y, 0M23S), ISTAP version. Encrypt verison require working key support
(e). Support write new ISN to ECU flash dump file, fix checksum: MSV80, MSV801, MSD80, MSD81, MSD802, MSD812, MSD851
(f). Support write new ISN to ECU eeprom dump file, fix checksum: ME17N45(N45 Tricore), ME17N46(N46 Tricore)
(g). Support write new ISN to ECU eeprom dump file, fix checksum: MEV17_2(N12 Tricore), MED17_2(N14 Tricore), MV1722(N16 Tricore), MVD1722(N18 Tricore), MEVD174K(N20, Tricore), MEVD176K(N55 Tricore), MVD1727(N18 Mini Tricore), MEVD17KW(Tricore)
(h). Support write new ISN to CAS3 eeprom dump file, fix checksum: CAS3+(0L15Y, 0M23S), ISTAP version. Encrypt verison require working key support
(2). F-Series(some F-series ECU don’t support read ISN from OBDII)
(a). OBD read/write ECU ISN: MEVD1724 (N20 Tricore), MEVD1725 (N13 Tricore), MEVD172Y(N55 Tricore), X63TU(S63TU, N63TU)
(b). Support write new ISN to CAS4(1L15Y) eeprom dump file, fix checksum: CAS4(1L15Y)
(c). Support write new ISN to CAS4(5M48H) eeprom dump file, fix checksum: CAS4(5M48H). Encrypt verison require working key support
(3). Some function in ECU/CAS ISN require download VVDI2 configuration file: Online Update Tool(v4.9.0)->Menu->Software Update and Update Information->Configuration file Update
5. Support read CAS3+(ISTAP) EEPROM from OBDII(This is not full EEPROM, Support make dealer key, DON’T WRITE this file back to CAS)
6. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.9.0 =====
1. Support identify MQB(VAG) key
2. Immobilizer data tool: add new for BMW->Motorcycle
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Subaru->Impreza 1996 68HC05
4. Bugfix for write HITAG EEPROM
5. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.9.0 =====
1. Add menu for VVDI2 configuration file: Menu->Software Update and Update Information->Configuration file Update
2. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V4.8.0
*** 2017-12-04
*** Require firmware V4.8.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V4.8.0 =====
1. Improvement for copy 48 (96 bit). All the custer update to latest V4.8.0 for copy function
2. Improvement for OBD 48 copy. Fixbug for Passat/CC copy funtion, add support copy CDC32xx type in OBD 48 copy
3. Bugfix for some Q3 dashboard in IMMO4 system
4. Improvement for autodetct in IMMO4 system
5. Bugfix===== BMW V4.8.0 =====
1. Support display FEM/BDC system frequency
2. Support exchange FEM/BDC function, you can exchange second hand FEM/BDC module
3. FEM/BDC system now support 16 key positions
4. Bugfix===== Porsche V4.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.8.0 =====
1. Support the latest remotes version produced after 11.2017
2. HITAG(VAG)(VW/Audi IMMO5 key) type, support write EEPROM file while keys is not locked
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Renault Duster 2010 95040
4. Add garage door remotes: Menu->Transonder-Chip-Remote->Garage Door
5. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.8.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 Update to V4.7.8
*** 2017-10-30
*** Require firmware V4.7.8
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V4.7.8 =====
1. Improvement for copy 48 (96 bit), reduce the server calculation time. All the cluster update to latest V4.7.8 for copy function
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.7.8 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.7.6
*** Require firmware V4.7.5
************************************************ ********************
===== VAG V4.7.5 =====
1. Support copy 48 transponder(96 bit, All car with ID48 transponder), (Menu->Key Learn->Copy 48 transponder(96 bit, All car with ID48 transponder))
About copy 48 function on VVDI2:
(1). Authorize copy 48 function(96 bit) require buy license and a extra 48 emulator
(2). Every success calculate will cost 100 remote points
(3). Copy 48 function now support all the cars with ID48 transponder: VW, Audi, Skoda, Volvo, Honda, Buick, Cadillac, Fiat, GreatWall, Zhonghua etc
(4). Copy 48 function no need OBDII connect
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.7.5 =====
1. Fix some update problem
2. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.7.5 =====
1. Bugfix
Notes:because xhorse still building new server and running with high cost on electrical power,the copy48(96bits) is optional function,
currently remote points only for Chinese users, after server all ok the online calculation speed should be 3-5 minutes, calculation time also can buy.
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.7.0
*** Require firmware V4.7.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V4.7.0 =====
1. Improvement for new NEC+24C64 dashboard after 2014.06, support new VDO dashboard. Now we support following cars:
VW T5 2014.06-2016
VW T6 2015.06-2017
VW Sharan 2014.06-
VW Passat 2014.06-2016
VW Caddy 2014.06-2017
VW Jetta 2014.06-2016
VW Scirocco 2014.06-
VW Tiguan 2014.06-
VW Touran 2014.06-
VW EOS 2014.06-
VW CC 2014.06-2016
VW Golf 2014.06-
VW Amarok 2014.06-
Skoda Yeti 2014.06-
Seat Alhambra 2014.06-
Audi A1 2014.06-
Audi Q3 2014.06-
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.7.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 latest software version V4.6.0 update
Add english database, require change VVDI2 register area, contact dealer for help
Pls contact : skype: VVDIfactory.com
*** 2017-09-27
*** Require firmware V4.6.0
===== VAG V4.6.0 =====
1. Support the new NEC+24C64 dashboard after 2014.06, support Black/White, color TFT, 3D dashboard, include following cars:
VW T5 2014.06-2016
VW T6 2015.06-2017
VW Sharan 2014.06-
VW Passat 2014.06-2016
VW Caddy 2014.06-2017
VW Jetta 2014.06-2016
VW Scirocco 2014.06-
VW Tiguan 2014.06-
VW Touran 2014.06-
VW EOS 2014.06-
VW CC 2014.06-2016
VW Golf 2014.06-
VW Amarok 2014.06-
Skoda Yeti 2014.06-
Seat Alhambra 2014.06-
Audi A1 2014.06-
Audi Q3 2014.06-
Attention: Don’t support MQB platform
2. Bugfix for BCM2 dump tool
3. Bugfix===== BMW V4.6.0 =====
1. Improvement for BMW FEM/BDC key learn
2. Support auto backup ECU ISN data, files saved at: My Document->VVDI2->FEM_BDC
3. Bugfix===== Porsche V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix for old wire remotes
2. Add english database, require change VVDI2 register area, contact dealer for help
3. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.6.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.5.0 (2017-09-07)
*** Require firmware V4.5.0
************************************************* *********************
===== Note =====
1. All customer should update the software to V4.5.0, use the latest software to synchronize your device
2. Update firmware v4.5.0 require the latest online update tool v4.5.0 version
3. Please download latest install software first then update firmware
===== VAG V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.5.0 =====
1. Improvement for BMW FEM/BDC key learn
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.5.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.3.1 (2017-08-18)
*** Require firmware V4.3.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V4.3.1 =====
1. Copy 48 function: Support Passat B6/CC with 48 transponder
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.3.1 =====
1. Improvement for BMW FEM/BDC key learn
2. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
Notes: for 4.3.0 software users just download 4.3.1 can use directly,no need update firmware again.
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.3.0 (2017-08-16)
*** Require firmware V4.3.0
************************************************* *********************
===== VAG V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.3.0 =====
1. Add BMW FEM/BDC system key learning, erase key
2. Add BMW FEM/BDC system reset KM
3. Add FEM/BDC syste backup coding, restore coding
4. Attention: FEM/BDC Key Learn is an option function, it require buy license or exchange with bonus points. Contact your dealer for help!
===== Porsche V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V4.3.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.2.5 (2017-08-10)
*** Require firmware V4.2.6
===== VAG V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
2. Improvement for flash updating (for frf files)
3. Support decode kessy for Touareg, Bentley, A8, Cayenne, Phaeton after 2008
1). You must read kessy data with VVDI-PROG (version above V4.5.9)(IMMO-VW-Kessy(2008- )
2). Load the file read by VVDI-PROG in vvdi2, you will get the PIN code and 7 bytes CS
3. Bugfix for immo5 lost all key with A6, A7, A8, Touareg
4. Support read A6/Q7 latest J518(4F0910852B H08 0210) with 9S12DT256 module
5. Improvement for "Lost all key via OBDII"
6. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
===== Porsche V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
===== PSA V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
===== Transponder Programmer V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
2. Support the latest remote type
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for olvo Trucks FH12(93C66)
4. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Brilliance Zunchi 93C46
5. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Fiat Marea 93C46
6. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix BMW CAS3+ encrypt type
7. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Fiat Linea 2007 95160
8. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Mitsubishi Outlander 2009 24C16
9. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for suzuki vitara 2006- 93C56
10. Bugfix for input chinese words in feedback window
11. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
===== Online Upate Tool V4.2.5 =====
1. Add Polish language support
===== Quick Start V4.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.2.1(2017-05-11)
Solve one more bug. Almost the same as version V4.2.0
VVDI 2 Updated to V4.2.0(2017-05-10)
*** Require firmware V4.2.0
===== Note =====
1. Update firmware v4.2.0 require the latest online update tool v4.2.0 version
2. Please download latest install software first then update firmware
===== VAG V4.1.0 =====
1. New function released: Audi A6L, A7, A8L, Touareg lost all key:
(1). Support ECU with MED17/EDC17 type OR Gearbox with 8 speed CVT type
(2). Require BCM2 data, most of them can read with VVDI2 via OBDII
(3). Require ELV data, you can read with VVDI-PROG
(4). Switch ON igniton with OBDII operation, simple and safe
(5). Collect data from internal-can
(6). Fast calculate speed, only need 1 minute
(7). Freee for all customer with immo5 authorize, every success calculate require 100 remote points
2. Bugfix for immo5 keylearn
3. Bugfix for write A4/Q5/A5 KM
4. Bugfix for read pin and CS from ECU (SIMOS PPD1.1/1.5)
5. Bugfix for flash FRF file
6. Bugfix
===== BMW V4.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V4.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V4.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V4.1.0 =====
1. Support Inida Mahindra special transponder ID46: Xylo, Scorpio
2. Immobilizer data tool: add new for Suzuki swift 2012- 93C86
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Opel IMMO-2 TMS
4. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Brilliance Zunchi 93C64
5. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Fiat Marea 93C46
6. Copy Transponder support the latest copy transponder(HITAG2)
7. Bugfix
===== J2534 V4.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V4.2.0 =====
1. Update firmware v4.2.0 require the latest online update tool v4.2.0 version
2. Please download latest install software first then update firmware
===== Quick Start V4.2.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Support software version ====
VAG V4.1.0
BMW V4.1.0
Porsche V4.1.0
PSA V4.1.0
Passthru J2534 V4.1.0
Online Update Tool V4.1.0
Quick Start V4.1.0
You can find the detail update information from Readme in newest software, Mainly include:
1. Add support to read PIN code from santana ECU (Special Function->Engine Control Unit)
2. Bugfix for write A4/Q5/A5 KM
3. Bugfix for OBD read key information from CAS (9389115): Now we dont support read this CAS ID via OBDII, will add soon
VVDI 2 Updated to V3.0.3 (2017-02-15 )
Require firmware V3.0.0
===== VAG V3.0.3 =====
1. Add BCM2 dump tool, support change immodata in EEPROM dump. Menu->Special Function->BCM2 Dump Tool
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V3.0.3 =====
1. Improvement for copy transponder: Support copy Roewe 750
2. Prepare Remote: show Roewe 750, 360, MG3 learn code
3. Immobilizer data tool: Renault Kangoo 2001 93C46 bugfix
4. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V3.0.1 (Jan 16th,2017 )
*** 2017-01-16
*** Require firmware V3.0.0
***************************** *
===== VAG V3.0.1 =====
1. Adapt unit: Fixbug for adapt Touareg/Phaeton/A8/Cayenne kessy module
2. Copy 48 transponder: Support query the last success result from server
3. Improvement for read MED17/EDC17 via OBDII
4. Improvement for read BCM2 via BDM programmer
5. Language bugfix in english system
6. Bugfix
===== BMW V3.0.0 =====
1. For latest ISTAP CAS:9389115, 9389116, 9395656, 9395657, support add key via OBDII, require update CAS flash
2. Bugfix for information display in file make key when load 2K79X EEPROM dump
3. Language bugfix in english system
4. Bugfix
===== Porsche V3.0.0 =====
1. Language bugfix in english system
2. Bugfix
===== PSA V3.0.0 =====
1. Language bugfix in english system
2. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V3.0.0 =====
1. Language bugfix in english system
2. Improvement for copy transponder: support VVDI 46 transponder
3. Improvement for copy remote: Add remote type, support save/write remote copy data
4. Immobilizer data tool: Suzuki Alto 93C56 bugfix
5. Immobilizer data tool: Improvement for toyota G-Transponder
6. Bugfix
===== J2534 V3.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V3.0.0 =====
1. Language bugfix in english system
2. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V3.0.0 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.2.6 (Dec 6th, 2016)
*** Require firmware V2.2.5
***************************** *
===== VAG V1.2.6 =====
1. Support copy 48 transponder, without binding condor(Menu->Key Learn->4th Immobilizer system - Copy 48 Transponder)
About copy 48 function on VVDI2:
(1). Authorize copy 48 function require 1000 remote points, require buy an extra emulator
(2). You can exchange it with "Transponder Programmer -> Menu -> Points System"
(3). Every success calculate will cost 100 remote points
(4). Copy 48 fucntion use in 4th immobilizer system(Dashboard), support type: NEC24C32, NEC24C64, NEC24C64 colordisplay, A1, A3/TT/R8, Q3, New tiguan 5ND920873B, 5ND920883B etc
(5). Copy 48 fucntion can work on the car that which support read PIN and CS via OBDII. Ofcourse, known CS and PIN is supported. Support make new key, support add keyless GO keys, especially support lost all key
(6). For Passat B6/CC only support clone 48 transponder(must have working key), don't support 46 transponder, dont support keyless Go, dont support lost all key
1.About points on VVDI Key TOOL, you can combine to your VVDI2 device and used in VVDI2
In future, points will have more power function, save as more as you can!
2. Fixbug for old A6/Q7 J518 read EEPROM bug
3. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.2.6 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.2.6 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V2.0.7 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.2.6 =====
1. Points system: Fixbug for verify sub-remote pcb status
2. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.2.5 (Nov 28th, 2016)
Require firmware V2.2.5
===== VAG V1.2.5 =====
1. Support copy 48 transponder(Menu->Key Learn->4th Immobilizer system - Copy 48 Transponder)
(1). Authorize copy 48 function require 1000 remote points, require an extra emulator, every success calculate will cost 100 remote points
(2). You can exchange it with "Transponder Programmer -> Menu -> Points System"
(3). Copy 48 fucntion can work on the car that which support read PIN and CS via OBDII. Ofcourse, known CS and PIN is supported
(4). Support clone key, support make new key, support add keyless GO keys, especially support lost all key. All do via OBDII, DON'T need read EEPROM with programmer
(5). Mainly use type: NEC24C32, NEC24C64, NEC24C64 colordisplay, A1, A3/TT/R8, Q3, New tiguan 5ND920873B, 5ND920883B etc
2. Add identification for new A6/Q7 J518(this type not support read via OBDII), avoid damage J518 when you read EEPROM via OBDII
3. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V2.0.6 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.2.5 =====
1. Points System: You can exchange copy 48 function by yourself, require 1000 remote points
2. Special Transponder: Add DongFeng-Succe 1.5L immobox
3. Make Remote: Bugfix for Chevrolet Epica
4. Immobilizer data tool: Toyota Echo ECU 25040 bugfix
5. Immobilizer data tool: Add support SaicMotor Roewe 360 remote immobilizer
6. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V1.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V1.2.5 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.2.3 (Nov 16th, 2016)
*** Require firmware V2.2.3
***************************** *
===== VAG V1.2.3 =====
1. 4th immobilizer support follow types:
(1) NEC24C32 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(2) NEC24C64 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(3) Motorola Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(4) NEC95320 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(5) CDC32xx Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(6) NEC35xx Support add key via OBDII, some cars with marelli support lost all key vaid OBDII
(7) Passat B6/CC Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(8) A3/TT/R8 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(9) Q3 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(10) A4(RB4, RB8) Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(11) A6/Q7 Support add key and lost all key via OBDII
(12) Touareg/Phaeton/A8/Cayenne support add key (some type support OBDII)
Attention 1: Lost all key via OBDII support keyless GO cars(UDS dashboard)
Attention 2: Copy 48 window released(Menu->Key Learn->4th Immobilizer system - Copy 48 Transponder). Copy 48 require authorize(1000 remote points), and require a 48 collector
Attention 3: In future, points will have more power function, save as more as you can
2. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.2.3 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.2.3 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V2.0.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.2.3 =====
1. Fix bug for copy some HITAG2(46) transponder
2. Prepare remote: Add support for Chevrolet Epica
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Skoda fabia 93C86
4. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.2.3 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V1.2.3 =====
1. Bugfix
Notes: about clone 48 function still testing,will be released next version.
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.1.7 (Aug 11st, 2016)
V1.1.7 Software Download
*** Require firmware V2.1.7
************************************************** **********************
===== VAG V1.1.7 =====
1. Bugfix for guided function
2. Bugfix for flash some FRF file
3. Bugfix for autodetect lavida cluster
4. Bugfix for write CDC32xx immo data
5. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.1.7 =====
1. Add support for disable/enable EWS key in "File Key Maker"
2. Add supprot for E series coding
3. Some window is improved
4. Bugfix for show ISN when lost all key
5. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.1.7 =====
1. Bugfix
===== PSA V2.0.1 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.1.7 =====
1. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Opel IMMO-1 68HC05
2. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Renault Latitude 2010-
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix Hyundai Tucson 29F400
4. Make Remote: New database released, now support make remote under wireless mode
5. Bugfix
===== J2534 V1.1.7 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V1.1.7 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Quick Start V1.1.7 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.1.3(April 22nd, 2016)
VVDI 2 V1.1.3 Software Download
VAG V1.1.3 =====
1. Add decode 95160 EEPROM for touareg 2008
2. Fixbug for read PIN and CS in med17.5 ECU
3. Fixbug for passat B6 find 7th bytes CS
4. Added guided functions: ECU/ABS following: (other modules will add soon)(Menu->Diagnostic->Guided Functions)
Activation of cruise control
Throttle adaptation - Otto engines with Drive-By-Wire
Turning on Pre-Fuel pump (eg. for bleeding)
Injectors checking 3.0/2.7 TDI
Pump-jet checking 1.9/2.0 TDI
Adaptation of turbocharger in 2.7/3.0TDi engines
Adaptation of flap motors in 3.0/2.7 TDi engines
Testing Mass air flow meter G70 in TDI engines
Chiptuning test
Adaptation of G336 sensor (intake manifold's flaps) in 2.0TFSi BPY/AXX
Adaptation of Turbocharger sensors used in CBAB CBAC 2.0TDi CR engines
Adaptation of EGR valve in Gasoline engines
Adaptation of start quantity in TDI VP Engines
Start/Stop deactivation in MQB cars (Golf 7, Octavia 3 etc)
Calibration of G85 sensor
FillingUp Brake system (MK60/70 - Golf V / Passat / Altea / Leon)
Enable / Disable \"SystemTest\" for ABS/ESP
Calibration of ESP acceleration sensor G200
Calibration of ESP pressure sensor G201
Calibration of ESP acceleration sensor G251
Recoding ABS/ESP variant (USA/EU)
ESP sensor calibration G200,G202,G251 in cars newer than 06.2007
Adaptation ESP ECU for DSG Gearbox in Audi A3 8P MJ2006
Total deactivation/activation of ESP MK60EC1
===== BMW V1.1.3 =====
1. Add support for lost all key with newest firmware: 9395656, 9395657, 9389115, 9389116
2. Improvement file make key window, show VIN, key cutting code, remote frequency, ISN etc
3. Add disable/enable key for CAS1/2/3/3+/4/4+ in file make key
4. Fixbug for EWS4 KM
5. Fixbug for change KM 5M48H with error checksum
6. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.0.5 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.1.3 =====
1. Add new window for Hitag3, support read/write page with password
2. Immo data tool bugfix: Renault Trucks Magnum 2000 - 93C46
3. Immo data tool bugfix: Daihastu Sirion -2003 93C66(4C)
4. Immo data tool bugfix: Euro Gilear Fuoco ST10F269
5. Immo data tool bugfix: Ducati Monster 696
6. Immo data tool bugfix: Renault Laguna II 95160
7. Immo data tool bugfix: Mercedes benz Vito 68HC
8. Immo data tool add new for toyota 93C66
9. Bugfix
VVDI 2 Updated to V1.1.1(Jan 14th, 2016)
VVDI2 V1.1.1 download
===== VAG V1.1.1 =====
1. Fix bug for Audi A4 RB8 cyrpto make dealer key
2. Fix bug for read Audi A6 J518
3. Add START/STOP data for passat B6/CC with 48 transponder, require 7 bytes CS
4. Add option for "Help VVDI2 improve 4th immobilizer cluster autodetect". See detail in dianostic parameters
5. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.1.1 =====
1. Add repair CAS PLUG method to read EWS. See detail in BMW user manual v1.1
2. Fix bug for BMW EWS1/2/3/4 make dealer key
3. Fix bug for some F-Series cluster change KM
4. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.0.3 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.1.1 =====
1. Fix bug for BMW EWS1/2/3/4 make dealer key
2. Bugfix
===== Online Upate Tool V1.0.8 =====
1. Bugfix
VVDI2 updated to V1.1.0 (Dec 15th)
VVDI2 V1.1.0 download
===== VAG V1.1.0 =====
1. Fix bug for read BCM2 bug with BDM programmer
2. Fix bug for change KM with old A6 (CAN protocol)
3. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.1.0 =====
1. Bugfix
===== Porsche V1.0.2 =====
1. Fix bug for porsche key learn
===== Transponder Programmer V1.1.0 =====
1. Add auto antenna gain, no more set manually
2. Bugfix
VVDI2 updated to V1.0.8 (Oct 22nd)
===== VAG V1.0.8 =====
1. Fix bug for key learn in touareg(KWP2000), bentley(KWP2000)
2. Add support for BFM remote control (car with BFM system, such as polo, jetta etc)
3. Add support for flash programming _E type FRF file
4. Add support for get PIN and CS from cayenne ECU (4th immobilizer, EEPROM 95128)
5. Bugfix
===== BMW V1.0.8 =====
1. Fix bug for file change km (CAS1/CAS2/CAS3)
2. Fix bug for BWM KWP protocol
3. Language fix
===== Transponder Programmer V1.0.8 =====
1. Enhance programmer stability
2. Fix bug for some Koleos 9S12 can't detect key position
3. Bugfix