MB SD C4 wifi problems Solution

Several customers have told me that their MB SD C4 cannot successfully connect the internet recently. The top three most common problems are “Cannot find Roaad24h”, “Can find Roaad24h but it cannot match” and “Roaad24h can match well but shows no signal”. If you have encountered any of the three Wi-Fi connection issues when using MB SD C4 diagnostic tool, please read on to find out how to solve it.
Step 1: Open local area connection and then click “Properties”
Step 2: Select “Internet protocol” in Local Area Connection Properties, select “Properties” in the middle of the window, and then click “OK”
Step 3: Reset IP address to, and change subnet mask to, then click “OK”.
mb sd c4 star diagnosis
Step 4: Open “Wireless Network Connection” and then select “Properties”

mb star sd c4
Step 5: Select “Internet protocol” in Wireless Network Connection Properties, select “Properties” in the middle of the window, and then click “OK”.
mb star sd c4 diagnostic tool
Step 6: Reset the data to numbers as shown below
mb sd c4 diagnosis
Step 7: Open SDnetControl, and select Configuration. After that you will get a warning message, click “Yes” to go on.
MB SD Connect Compact 4
Step 8: Select MUX, then Register/configure, and then click “OK”.
MB SD Connect Compact 4  diagnostics
Step 9: A new window will come out itself. Change the IP address in the file to, and reset the WLAN parameters to WEP, type in your key, and then click “Start”.
MB Star SD Connect Compact 4
Step 10: You will get a window named SDconnect Toolkit Preview, click “OK” on the top right, and go back to Wireless Network Connection, select “Road24h”, fill in your Network key to connect.
MB SD Connect Compact 4 star diagnsotic tool
Step 11: Choose “Select MUX”, select “accessible” and then click “Test signal” to check your MB SD Connect C4 Wi-Fi connection.

MB SD Connect Compact 4 Star diagnosis