OBDSTAR X300M is the most devoted and professional for mileage correction.And this site here is aimed to tell you how to update obdstar x300m.
Download the update tool and diagnostic software on www.en.obdstar.com ,double click,then go to the next step.
Step 1: Click “Next”
Step 2: Click “Next”
Step 3: Click “Next”
Step 4: Click “Finish”
Above we have installed update tool,and the start software updating.
After Update Tool installation completed,click the update tool software icon on desktop to start the update tools.Operation steps as following:
Step 1:Open update tool
Step 2:Click the source menu,choose the program you want to update,click it and confirm.
Step 3:Click and select all the software the click “update”
Step 4: Wait for several minutes the the updating finished.
If you want know to know detail info go to :OBDSTAR X300M User Manual
Note: For new update software and questions during updateing,pls contact our service.