Yanhua ACDP VW/Audi gearbox mileage correction module 21 is a module that is used to correct gearbox mileage for Volkswagen and Audi cars.
Supported Vehicle models: Volkswagen/Audi DQ200 (0AM/0CW), DQ250 (02E/0D9), DL382 (0CK), VL381 (0AW)
This package included ACDP-2 Basic module+BMW EGS module for 6HP F chassis & 8HP E/F/G chassis+ VW Gearbox clone module+ MPS6 Gearbox clone module+ MB Gearbox clone module+ SH725XX Gearbox Clone+GM6T/6L Gearbox Clone+Ford DPS6 Gearbox Clone+ZF-9HP Gearbox Computer Clone
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module13 with License A600 for Volkswagen/Audi Gearbox Module Clone
Support VW (Volkswagen), Audi DQ200 (0AM / 0CW), DQ250 (02E / 0D9), DL382 (0CK), DL501 (0B5), VL381 (0AW) models and etc.
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module14 with License A301 for MPS6 Gearbox Clone for Volvo/Landrover/Ford/Chrysler/Dodge
This Pacakge includes Yanhua ACDP-2 Master with SH725XX Gearbox Clone Module 19 and License
Support all ZF 8HP, DQ380/DQ381 0DE, MB VGS-NAG3, BMW GETAG 7DCT and BMW TEMIC DKG gearbox clone.
Yanhua ACDP Module22 Supports GM 6L45, 6L50, 6L80, 6L90 gearbox clone
Supports GM 6T30, 6T35, 6T40, 6T45, 6T50, 6T70, 6T75, 6T80 gearbox clone
Without soldering, no risk and fast
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module 19 SH725XX Gearbox Clone with License A000.
Supported car brands: BMW, JLR, VW/Audi, Rolls-Royce, Porsche, Bentley, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Maserati, Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, etc
Support all ZF 8HP,DQ380/DQ381 0DE,MB VGS-NAG3,BMW GETAG 7DCT and BMW TEMIC DKG gearbox clone.
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module16 Benz Gearbox Renew and Refresh
Support Benz 722.8 722.9 Gearbox
with Free License A101
A50F License for BMW E Series 6HP(GS19D) Gearbox/Transmission TCM EGS ISN Refresh
A605 License for VW Audi Gearbox Mileage Correction Working with Yanhua Mini ACDP Module13/21
A606 License for VW Audi 0DE Gearbox Mileage Working with Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 19
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module28 with License A703 for ZF-9HP Gearbox Computer Clone
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module26 with License AA00 for Ford DPS6 Gearbox Clone for Ford Focus Ecosport Fiesta Aspire Figo
Yanhua Mini ACDP ACDP-2 Module25 For VW/Audi 0DE Gearbox Mileage Correction with License A606