VXDIAG MULTI Diagnostic Tool JLR Software Newly Updated To V141
VX01 JLR Software newly updated to V141
VXDIAG MULTI Diagnostic Tool For TOYOTA V9.30.002+ HONDA V3.014+ LandRover/Jaguar JLR V141 3 IN
Top 4 Reasons to Get VXDIAG Multi Diagnostic Tool:
1. This version VXDIAG support Toyota, Honda, LandRover & Jaguar 3 software in 1 device. Now Can Also Pay to Get
Subaru Software Update Package and
Porsche Softare Update Package. It is support original software if you already have it.
2. VXDIAG support add more original software in future, you only need buy authorization from us. Already released original software authorization has Toyota, Honda, LandRover, Jaguar, and Porsche. Software will release soon including: Volvo, Subaru, Chrysler, GM, Ford, Mazda, Kia, Hyundai, GMC, Nissan, Suzuki, VAG, BMW, BENZ, FERRARI and Marerati.
3. Support both 12V and 24V gasoline and diesel car.
4. Hardware support 4-way CAN BUS and 2-way K - Line/L-Line, support multi-protocol high-speed and concurrent communication
5. With the innovation design of OBD II intelligent bus protocol routing hardware, a diagnostic plug can be intelligent identification test all models, fully meet the future demand for all kinds of bus communication